
Felix by name Felix by nature! We acquired Felix as a kitten to keep our 6 month old siamese company - they are still great pals to this day, often found cuddled up asleep together! Although terrified of most dogs (& often temporarily leaves home if one comes to visit) he has surprisingly always bonded well with our own dogs & often prefers their company to the other cats! Felix, along with his old pal Tramp, can be found making up half of the PetAlone logo!


Jade was a very special friend, belonging to a very special friend! She had the most fantastic personality & seemed to get on well with all creatures great & small (having spent the majority of her life living within Veterinary practices with her owner (also a Nurse!) in the company of all animals). I had the privilege of looking after her on many occasions to the delight of my dog Tramp! Ironically, both Jade & Tramp lost their battles with cancer within a few months of each other in 2007.

Abbey & Kittens

Abbey was brought in to the vets where I was working having been run over. No owner ever claimed her & I brought her home to convalesce, only then to discover that she was pregnant! Despite her injuries/trauma she gave birth to 3 kittens - 2 healthy ones which were rehomed to a friend & sadly 1 stillborn.


Button was a stray brought into the vets following a nasty accident which left him with a fractured jaw & the skin sloughed from his lower jawbone. This was reattached with the temporary aid of a "button" - hence how he got his name! He went on to live with us for a further 8 years. His picture shows him with the button still intact following the early days of his injury at home with me!


George came into the vets as a stray - he was only about 6 months old. Since nobody ever claimed him, he came home with me & was a real character & always into mischief! He was much loved by our other cats & dogs alike. Sadly, George died suddenly when only 3 years old - the vet suspected he may have had an underlying heart condition. He is sorely missed to this day.


Guy was another stray found by a neighbour of ours on the hard shoulder of the M40 with both back legs badly fractured. Following his surgery, he came home with me to convalesce & was then rehomed to my parents! After 14 wonderful years, we sadly had to say goodbye to him a few months ago following a battle with cancer.


Misty came to live with us 12 years ago. She was under the care of an animal charity who had unsuccessfully rehomed her on 2 occasions - both times she was returned due to her aggressive behaviour to humans! I decided to give her a last chance - it took 18 long months to win her confidence & she turned into one of the most affectionate cats I have had the pleasure to know!


Monty was a stray found living rough and brought into the vets. He was in terrible condition & suffering from malnutrition but most of all in desperate need of love & affection. Monty was rehomed to my Sister-in-Law where he now enjoys a wonderful, happy life in a multi-cat household where he rules the roost despite suffering from various conditions, such as diabetes, in his twilight years. This one really landed on his paws!

Belgian Hares

Timothy & Harriet were 2 wonderful Belgian Hares who used to follow us around like dogs in the garden!


Over the years I've rescued many wild animals - particulary hedgehogs! Injured wildlife are taken to St.Tiggywinkles wildlife hospital in Haddenham, near Aylesbury for treatment & rehabilitation. I worked as a volunteer at the hospital before training as a Veterinary Nurse.


Big Sam.. He's been with us since Nov 2008 and is approx ten years old. He behaves and has the energy of a two year old and still enjoys two 3-4 mile walks everyday as well as interim walks with some of PetAlone's other dog friends.


Tramp actually "found" us one very cold, frosty day back in 1996. We were out walking our dog, Zeberdee (& ironically had recently been considering getting another dog as a pal for Zeb but, because it was close to Christmas, a lot of the rescue centres were not rehoming dogs until the new year) & while out on our walk, Tramp came running towards us & started playing with Zeb. There wasn't a soul around so we assumed Tramp to be lost. We took him to the rangers office in the country park & contacted the police, rescue centres, vets etc. After a couple of months of fostering him & since nobody ever claimed him, the police were happy to sign him over to us for permanent adoption. Tramp lived with us for a very happy 10 further years, until we tragically lost him to splenic cancer in November 2007. He was a very special boy to us & greatly missed.


Summer - a Flat Coat Retriever - was 8 weeks old when she came to live with us. Her breeder knew she would be unable to home her as she was the runt of the litter & clearly not in good health as she failed to gain weight like her litter mates. Fortunately, my boss at the vets where I was working, had a big heart &, despite the health concerns, Summer was displaying normal puppy behaviour the majority of the time & clearly enjoying a good quality of life in the short term. He therefore couldn't justify ending her life at that time & so encouraged me to adopt her as she required a lot of assisted feeding. Further tests revealed that Summer was suffering from kidney failure & neither conventional or homeopathic medicine could prolong her life. We very sadly had to say goodbye to Summer at just 4 months old as her health deteriorated further. It was a great privilege for us to have had Summer in our lives - she was a very special puppy.


Simon was a Christmas gift to me, brought by my husband as a kitten 16 years ago. I have always had a strong affection for the oriental breeds but, since it completely goes against my principles to buy a puppy or kitten when there are so many animals looking for good homes in rescue centres, I had never actually purchased one. However, my husband eased my conscience by giving him to me as a very precious gift! Simon to this day is my ultimate "buddy", always demanding companionship from me, as this breed tends to do!

More to come…